Drew Levin


Drew Levin is a co-founder of Prebar and is the head software engineer of the company. Drew solely conducted the development of the app and its cutting-edge matching algorithm. Drew is known for his machine-learning expertise and his knowledge of algorithmic development.

A fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, studying Computer Science and Data Science, with a focus on machine learning, Drew’s creative expertise paired with ruthless discipline helped lead to the product available today.

Balancing academia and entrepreneurship, Drew manages to excel in both fields, making significant contributions to the theoretical knowledge of his university courses while also applying practical solutions to real-world problems through his work at Prebar.

Timmy Koltermann


Timmy Koltermann is a co-founder of Prebar and sets the vision and strategy for the company. In July 2023, Timmy & Drew started mocking up the first iterations of what the app would look like, and what it would include. Since then, Timmy has overseen the growth and development of Prebar.

A third-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, studying Economics & Data Science, Timmy has embedded his analytic and creative roots in Prebar’s culture, product, and community. This creative and adaptive approach has enabled a system of trust that allows groups of people to strategically meet each other.

The unique business model of friend group matching facilitates connection and belonging without the awkwardness of 1on1 matching.